I used to believe that I didn’t have a lot of power, specifically, when I was expressing my feminine.
You see, so much of our lives many of us are taught that the masculine is the only form of POWER (or the only, TRULY form of effective power available in today’s world). For many years that was truth for me and I 100% acted from that space.
So what do we do? We attempt to find the masculine within us and sometimes it is expressed in unhealthy ways. (And, sometimes, we completely avoid the masculine parts of ourselves, thinking that the masculine as an overall entity is UNSAFE.)
In order to feel powerful, sometimes we may try to control the outcome of a situation, initiate, become aggressive, and in some cases, we may even hurt the ones we love to make a point… To overcome what seems impossible or unachievable. #unhealthymasculine
I’m here to tell you that that’s not the way to healthfully express your power. #bubblebursted
And if you’re secretly thinking that “everything I’ve heard about the feminine, makes it feel weak and disempowered” I’m here to tell you that there’s wayyy more to it than you may have previously thought.
I went to a women’s empowerment workshop this weekend and/but I’ve been studying this subject for much much longer, and I’m really excited to write to you about this today.
You see, there is actually a LOT of power in the feminine. Like RIDICULOUS amounts of power. But sometimes, we forget that. And when we forget, that’s when we sometimes choose the unhealthy masculine to feel like we’ve expressed our power.
But let me ask you this… Do you believe that NATURE is a source for the feminine? I mean, we even call it “mother nature.” That’s no mistake, {!firstname_fix}.
Do you ever look at a flower, and reflect upon it’s magic?
I mean, sure you could cut it down, throw it in the garbage when its petals are worn and wilted, but would you ever be able to diminish the power it had over you the moment you saw and experienced it in its full glory? Wouldn’t you forever be changed and influenced by its beauty? Simply by what it was in its way of BEING? From the moment it was fresh until the moment it wilted away, it was magnificent in its beauty. #lifeisbeautiful #betheflower
The POWER of the feminine comes to us in many forms – sometimes it’s the form of the beautiful, subtle, magical flower. Sometimes, it’s the force of an unexpected tsunami, hurricane, or tornado.
In truth, I think we can all agree that mother nature is a serious BADASS when she needs to be… She has the capacity to be gentle, delicate, and forgiving, and she also has the capacity to wreak HAVOC on anything that stands in her way.
There is nothing “WEAK” about the feminine. The feminine chooses who/what she gets to be in any given moment and there’s no mistake about it – her ways of being are ripe with INTENTION.
We’ve damaged the face of the planet with pollution, litter, and the list goes on. How has she responded? With global warming, which has influenced storm patterns and melted ice which has been home to wildlife for centuries. #response
What IS the feminine?
The feminine is subtle, receptive, powerful, collaborative, surrender, empathy, radiance, flow, sensuality, emotion, patience, love…
And there is SO MUCH juice in that. I could speak about the power of the feminine for HOURS, DAYS, MONTHS. It is my PASSION. For today, my intention is to focus on SURRENDER.
How does the word FEEL when you hear it?… SURRENDER.
Surrender – it seems like a word we hear when experiencing defeat, maybe in a war – perhaps in argument. (In your mind do you see that white flag flying??) Based on how we’ve been programmed, at times the word itself doesn’t SEEM very empowering. Why? Because we live in a patriarchal society that seems to be INTENT AF to diminish the power of receptivity, surrender, and love.
But love is immensely powerful. It’s much easier to raise the sword than it is to love the person who intends to cast us down.
It’s much easier to point fingers than it is to take responsibility and powerfully use our thoughts, words, and intentions to peacefully work out conflicts.
It’s much easier to shut down and ignore than it is to confront when we’re overwhelmed.
Well, let me tell you a little bit more about surrender, and then YOU TELL ME what you think about it. Because I’d love to know how this lands for you.
Does THIS seem weak to you??
As Gabrielle Roth once said… “Hard times require furious dancing.”
What will your dance look like?
There is no video today. I instead want these images and the corresponding messages, to sink in.
We all get to take ownership of our relationship with the masculine and feminine inside of us. What will your dance look like? Write me and let me know.
Make it powerful. Make it love.
We have the opportunity to change the relationship with ourselves, AS WOMEN, then in relationship, then with the planet.
So, when you look at your relationship with yourself, with your partner (whether he exists physically, or in your mind), and with this planet… know that WOMEN IN LOVE are exactly what is going to save everything we hold dear. You are NOT SELFISH to desire love. Exactly the opposite.
When you bring more love into your experience, the only possible output and result is more love, and that is exactly what is going to save this planet. Compassionate, fierce, problem-solving, resilient LOVE.
So, BE INTENTIONAL about love you amazing, powerful, sister. It’s exactly what’s needed and you are NEVER asking for too much in that department. There can always be more… LOVE.
Chief Emotional Badass at Katie Titi, Love Designer
P.S. Book a strategy call with me and let’s design an upgrade to your love life so you can experience amazing results STAT.
What you can expect from a call with me:
– We uncover and EMBRACE all of the blocks you’ve had to manifesting love
– Have a compassionate and mind-opening conversation about what got you to this place in your journey and create strategies around how to move through it
– Formulate a plan for ongoing success in your love life because YOU DESERVE AMAZING LOVE.
I LOVE YOU. Have a great week.